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Your Fear will Dissipate Under our Watchful Gaze

Your Data

Your Loved Ones

And Your Life


​Are Kept Safe by

System-One's Watchful Eye


System-Eye Security is the advanced surveillance program that guarantees full observation and immediate responses by System-One's protection solutions.


With immediate detection of any injustice and terrorist activity, our cutting-edge surveillance devices ensure your safety.

Our vigilant eyes are present everywhere, in every corner and street, and every eye in the sky, ensuring no threat will be concealed and undetected.

Another Camera

Your safety is our utmost priority, and you will bid farewell to any concerns about your personal security through our Integration Key Synchronization, as we identify you, and your loved ones. 

Equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance technology, System-Eye Security's camera systems are finely tuned to observe every behavioural trait, every movement and every noise created, to uncover any terrorist threat.

Observe          Respond          Protect

Rest in Profound Peace


Full Facial Recognition Technology 

High-Resolution Slow-Motion Capture

10.6 Billion User Database

Dynamic Zoom Capability

Integration Key Synchronization

Cardiac Rhythm Sensors

Diamond-Infused Durability

Government Subsystem Integration 

Audio Enhancements




Lives Under



Terrorists Under Observation


Provinces Under Observation

Home Security

Our Eyes are in your Home for Enhanced Protection

Advanced home security features, including facial recognition and Integration Key synchronization, provide comprehensive protection for your residence.

We provide protection for your home, whether you're away or alone.

Sneaky Camera
Spooky Camera

Equipped for your safety, our surveillance systems cover every corner and room, leaving no room for unnoticed suspicious activity.

*Technology, functions, and features may vary based on province, service provider, network, environment, or product. They are subject to change without prior notice.

Seamless Integration for your Entire Home

Experience Complete Home Automation and Security at your Fingertips.

Surveillance pad

Security Cameras



Apartment Services

TV Control


Door Locking Mechanisms

Rental Payments

Energy Consumption

Video Games


And so much more!

In Partnership With


Watching the World to Keep you Safe


System-One needs your help in stopping dangerous terrorists!

Report ANY suspicious activity.

What are you looking for?

System-One is a fictional ARG (Alternate Reality Game) created by J.M. C. The System-One ARG has no affiliation with any real-world corporations or businesses bearing a similar name. Any resemblance is purely coincidental and not intended to cause any harm or confusion.

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