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Our People

Guided and Empowered

Bill of Rights and

Your Rights as a Citizen of System-One

Article 1

All humans are born with absolute Freedom​


Article 3

Right to experience absolute Prosperity


Article 5

​Right to absolute Protection


Article 7

Right to System-granted privacy


Article 9

Right to physical and mental health services


Article 11

Guilty until proven innocent​



Article 13​

Rights to apply for cohabitation and further applications for family​


Article 15

​No unjust discrimination


​Article 17

​No unjust torture or inhuman treatment


Article 19

Freedom of praise and admiration towards System-One​


Article 21

Right to System-One services​


Article 23

Right to work​


Article 25

Right to trial by System-One​


Article 27

Right of System-led culture and art​


Article 29

Subject to System-One's law​

Article 2

Right to know absolute Truth



Article 4

Right to be given what is deserved


Article 6

Rights to life under System-One


Article 8

Right to rent things and services


Article 10

Right to System-One services​



Article 12

Freedom of System focused thought and worship​


Article 14

​No unjust slavery



Article 16

Right to an Integration Key


Article 18

Equal before the laws of System-One


Article 20

Right to assemble​



Article 22

​Right to treated fair by System-One​


Article 24

Right to rest and holiday​


Article 26

Right to System-focused education​


Article 28

Freedom across System-One's regions​


Article 30

These rights can't be taken away​


With a rise in global populations, System-One has devised a new, and powerful, management program, to allow you to embrace life with confidence.


Our population management guidelines ensure that you can find your perfect partner! So embrace dating with safety in mind, as we prioritize your interests and darkest desires.

With our specialised dating application built into your Integration Key, your perfect partner is just a hand wave away!

Once you become 16, you will automatically be given AdultStatus on your Sysweb Profile, and a free dating profile on our dating platform!

Our sophisticated algorithms guarantee the ideal sex life with your perfect partner.

Let go of the hassle of dating and release yourself of the burden of choice. Trust us to find you the perfect match, as we already know who you need.

We will do let us do the searching for you, as our services let us fulfil your most intimate desires, from casual encounters to lifelong partnerships, as your sexual needs are our priority.


Your children's welfare, education, and enjoyment is our priority 

Apply today to see if you are legible to become pregnant!

When you are accepted to become pregnant, you will be given a partner to fertilise your egg. This partner will either be your current partner, or a genetic donor, chosen by us to ensure your children have the best genetical advantage to health, strength, and prosperity.

A pregnant mother expecting a beautiful baby

Peace of Mind

Safe and Secure Heart

Protected, and Genetically Insured

A scanner showing a human embryo

Rest assured that your children are in safe hands, as we prioritize their well-being by taking strict measures to prevent any genetic defects from being created or passed on.

Your bundle of joy deserves the best start in life, so you will be contacted to visit your local hospital for any health check-ups.

Your Children are in our Hands

A beautiful family experiencing all the prosperity of System-One


Even in the realm of eternal rest, your preferences are our top priority. Experience peace of mind with our latest, secure habitation tanks, ensuring a safe and serene sleep for eternity.

The afterlife is made with sophisticated caskets

In Partnership With

Officer Defence Program
What are you looking for?

System-One is a fictional ARG (Alternate Reality Game) created by J.M. C. The System-One ARG has no affiliation with any real-world corporations or businesses bearing a similar name. Any resemblance is purely coincidental and not intended to cause any harm or confusion.

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