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The Slaughter of 79

24th July 20 U

Article written by Edward Lane

Devastation and ruin has spread across multiple provinces, System-One vows to rebuild

Tragedy as struck our shorelines. Pentecost, has announced themselves through a horrific, and barbaric global act, of terror.


On Saturday night, the 20th of July, 20 U, the terrorist organisation calling themselves, Pentecost, unleashed a wave of attacks across coastal cities bordering in the N.W., M.N., N.E., and M.E. Regions.


Several provinces, such as Lexacada of the N.W. Region, Vrance of the M.N. Region, Despania of the M.N. Region, Nosrow of the N.E. Region, and Monroco of the M.E. Region, were the most affected.


At 11:01 PM, Pentecost naval weaponry unleashed barrages of high explosive and sulfuric shells into coastal cities across the N.W., M.N., N.E., and M.E. Regions, killing thousands of people and unleashing blazes that devastated several cities.


Following this barrage, Pentecost rebels swarmed the coastal cities, where they set alight hundreds of buildings, causing further blazes that caused widespread devastation.

Pentecost rebels then began to mercilessly gun down any civilians that tried to flee from the hellfire that spread across suburbs and city centres alike. The O.D.P was immediately called onto scene, where hundreds of gunfights took place.

The O.D.P. successfully prevented further carnage, as Officer 777 of the Province of Vrance singlehandedly managed to apprehended a Pentecost high-ranking operative, and executed several rebels by using the operative as a human shield. Officer 777 proceeded to request backup, capturing the Pentecost operative. This action forced Pentecost to retreat from the front line, and negotiate surrender, and thus, Officer 777 was award the Badge of Honour for his brave service for protecting System-One and its people.

Officer 777 receiving his Badge of Honour for his incredible acts of bravery.
Officer 777 receiving his Badge of Honour for his incredible acts of bravery.

​​At 11:59 AM the following day after Pentecost's retreat, Pentecost's ruler, a shadowed figure known only as "The Master", was broadcasted on many System-One's holographic screens across these regions, announcing himself, and Pentecost, to the world. He made broad and terrifying statements condemning System-One and all System-One led provinces. The Master's words were coaxed with a mix of bloodlust, horror, and hatred, as he deemed anyone who is Integrated as "accomplices to the great horror of System-One".

System-One has estimated that approximately seventy nine thousand people were slaughtered over the course of two days.


System-One has vowed that it will annihilate Pentecost at whatever cost.

System-One has locked down several provinces, such as Lexacada of the N.W. Region, Vrance of the M.N. Region, Despania of the M.N. Region, Nosrow of the N.E. Region, and Monroco of the M.E. Region, in hopes of rebuilding the provinces and restabilising System-One's authority in the surrounding areas.


The Overseer of Lexacada, Tomas Delgado, has publicly stated that all cities in the Province of Lexacada must be evacuated, and System-One is doing everything in its power to rebuild what was destroyed.

The Overseer of Vrance, Juliette Monroe, has publicly stated that this act of terror upon the globe will not be tolerated, and that she is currently working closely with the Director of the M.N. Region to ensure that the coastlines of the Vrance Province are secured and any terrorist activity is swiftly, and effectively, removed.


The Overseer of Nosrow, Ni Shen Wing, has publicly stated that she is appalled by the actions of Pentecost, and System-One is currently undertaking the necessary actions to swiftly restabilise the ongoing crisis in Nosrow, as barbaric riots continue to sweep the Province.


The Overseer of Despania, Andres Carreiro, has publicly stated that he will not tolerate any barbarism on the shores of Despania, and that any act of terror shall be swiftly eradicated.


The Overseer of Monroco, Ahwad Akhrif, has publicly stated that he is heartbroken by the barbaric and uncivilised act of global terror that Pentecost has unleashed.


Global-President, Alan Ronaldson, has publicly stated that his act of barbarism is abhorrent, and any attempt of terrorism will be swiftly eradicated. The Global-President also urges people to not fear Pentecost, but rather trust in System-One, as System-One is currently enhancing its military solutions to encompass a global security net. This, the Global-President stated, will help ensure that all civilians of System-One's prosperous solutions, are protected against barbarism and terror.


System-One has also announced that it will create "Sea-Wall Blockades" to prevent Pentecost's naval ships from travelling across the globe.

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System-One is a fictional ARG (Alternate Reality Game) created by J.M. C. The System-One ARG has no affiliation with any real-world corporations or businesses bearing a similar name. Any resemblance is purely coincidental and not intended to cause any harm or confusion.

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