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Nourishing Your Home and Body with Wholesome Food.

Empowering Progress for a Sustainable Future

Sustainable and

Rich Flavours

Abundantly Produced with Generous Reserves

System-One grown plant life

Packed with Essential Nutrition

Harvested from an Abundant source

Vibrant and Nourishing 

System-One meat substitute factory and containment

In the face of the Great Famine, which decimated 90% of wildlife that threatened our way of life, we at System-One became your beacon of hope.


Through our ground-breaking advancements, we have developed a revolutionary Meat Substitute, cultivated and tailored to meet your dietary requirements.


Say goodbye to the fear of scarcity and hunger. With our innovative solution, as nourishment is always within reach.

Our Meat Substitute

All of our processed product include:

System-One grown plant life within a glass container

2500kcal, Fat, Saturated fat, Carbohydrate, Free sugars, Protein, Fibre, Salt, Vitamin A, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, and Iodine


Our processed product variations which includes specific dietary needs, or flavours, may contain extra chemicals.


Our Product, a tin can

*Availability of our product may vary based on Province
*For variations of flavours and dietary needs, special production may be required. Kindly allow 3 to 4 weeks for approval from your nearest Shopping Centre.

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System-One is a fictional ARG (Alternate Reality Game) created by J.M. C. The System-One ARG has no affiliation with any real-world corporations or businesses bearing a similar name. Any resemblance is purely coincidental and not intended to cause any harm or confusion.

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