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Hayden Marson

1st President of the Global United Nations

From a humble life in the city of Los Acha to the House of the Global United Nations.

34 BU - 19 U

From Humility to Presidency

"I will bring the world into a single nationhood, unifying all peoples under one banner. Never again shall we fight each other. Never again shall we face such terrors alone."

- Hayden Marson, Inaugeration Day, 2 BU

Early Life

Hayden Cain Marson was born on the 7th of December, 34 BU, to Henry Wayne Marson, and Julie Joy Marson, in Los Acha, Losana of the United States of Ardermia thirty-four years before the System’s inception. His father was the CEO of the Marson Corporation, a powerful company within Ardermia, and his father's influence of preparing Hayden to take the mantle of CEO of the company, only further prepared Hayden for a far, far, bigger, and more important, future.


Growing up Hayden was a big fan of sports and politics. It was noted by his father, Henry, that in his younger years he loved to debate people and ask questions about the larger meanings in life. Whenever he played with toys his father noted he always had a particular “order” about things. Something he would continue to employ later in his life.


He loved unity, guiding people together, and was said he was the “glue” that kept many warring people in his family and friend groups together. He had a natural skill in de-escalating conflicts and resolving them, said to have a wisdom far beyond his young years.


He was an avid reader and was said to read any books involving global unity, or projects undertaken to help preserve humanity.

Entering Politics

Later in life, at the age of sixteen, he went to the Arch Academy in Los Acha, Losana and studied politics and law, whereby he became an apprentice for Mayor Jonathon Adams of Los Acha. Under Mayor Adams he learnt many skills in navigating politics, and continuously pushed ideas of a global united nations.


He had a mentor in Edward Kells, who became like an uncle to him after his father passed when he was eighteen years old. Hayden took on the role of CEO of the Marson Corporation, and with the company behind him, and Kells' guidance, he began to overshadow Mayor Adams, and despite having a keen friendship with the man, went up against him in the local elections when he was twenty-three years old, winning the vote by a ninety two percent majority.


It was said his policies, and charisma were hypnotic, as people said he had a powerful smile that “wooed the audience”.


He got engaged that same year, and was going to marry Edward Kells' daughter, Laura Ava Kells, however, Hayden, for a reason known only to a few, ended his engagement with Laura. A year later, he met Lady Rebecca Ofsted, daughter of Mayor Harold Ofsted of the City of Triston, Losana. He later married Rebecca and went on to have a daughter, April Jane Marson in 8 BU, and a son Wayne Edward Marson two years later.


He quickly rose the ranks through politics, soon becoming the Representative of Losana within the United States of Ardermia, and during the 8 BU presidential debates outranked every other candidate with exceptional results.


In the year of 7 BU he became the President of the United States of Ardermia and quickly put into action of unifying the world under a single global authority. He reached out to the Global United Nations, the international organisation of diplomacy, in hopes of achieving this task. It didn’t take long for his ideals to spread across the globe.


In later 5 BU it was said that Hayden was approached by [REDA-n-CTED] who showed him a bright light within his eyes of two possible futures. Ever since he pushed vehemently for his idea of turning the Global United Nations into a government body, rather than a diplomatic organisation. Some said he [REDA-st-CTED], as he wouldn’t stop talking about his ideas, nor would he stop pushing it within debates.


He met with many religious, political, and cultural leaders across the globe over the years that followed.


In 3 BU all the leaders from across the globe came together in a historical meeting. Said to have been the most heavily secure site of all history, every leader came together and signed a contract deal to turn the Global United Nations, into a government that oversaw the entire globe.


Later that year there was a vote between the leaders of the government as to who would be the “Global-President” of the Global United Nations. It was said that Hayden had an eighty two percent majority.

President Hayden, First Lady Rebecca, daughter April (12) and son Wayne (10)

Hayden (37) with his daughter April (12), his son Wayne (10), and his wife Rebecca (35), 5 U.

Global Presidency

In the year 2 BU, at thirty-two years of age, he was inaugurated as Global-President. The day was said to have been blessed with sunshine, as the world looked on with wonder at the potential of a new hope, a new unification, a new prosperity.


His presidency as Global-President saw countless lives changed, with truth, freedom, and prosperity being brought to all peoples across the globe.

However, tensions began to rise. People across the planet began to rebel, and many governments chose to go against Hayden’s global government. War began to spread, and countless children perished in the fires.


As a result, Hayden felt obliged to solve this crisis, for his hopes of a united world was far from reality, as war had not ceased, but increased.


So, Hayden sought after [REDA-o-CTED] and through [REDA-pe-CTED] he invented the idea of “System-One”. A program that will unite peoples, not only under a single governance, but also through mind, bodies, and spirits.


System One

The System was born. Through countless hours of research, documentation, and pioneering in technological fields, Hayden, Edward Kells and the Global Government founded System-One. It spread rapidly. Edward came to Hayden, saying that he and [REDA-c-CTED] had the idea of “Integration Keys”, helping unite people against a common enemy; insurgency. Hayden then approached the Hub of System One, and spoke openly of its use and potential future. Within a year the first wave of the Integration Keys was released. It was a global success.


Thousands of millions of people, integrated into the System worldwide. However, insurrectionist groups began to fight back. An agency titled the “Freedom Agency” felt obliged to defame the System. In turn, this caused further wars, and further chaos to spread across the globe.


One by one every country assimilated under the System. One by one people came together to fight against division and became united under a single governing body.


Hayden's popularity rose exponentially, and by his time of re-election he smashed the competition. He retained his Global Presidency for a second term and later in 8 U, elected for Global-Presidency for a third time, making Hayden the only man in history having been elected for Global-Presidency for three terms.


However, it is believed that after twelve years since the System’s inception, Hayden had became disillusioned. Many said he went mad. He kept screaming in the night, calling out for ghosts. He complained that the nightmare of a future he saw so many years ago was [REDA-te-CTED]. As such, this caused major division between him, his children, who had become integral to System-One, and those integrated under the System.


April Marson, at only eighteen years of age, had pioneered medical research, using the System as a tool she became a powerful member of the System’s foundations in innovation for prosperity, but it was rumoured she and her father had many nights arguing and fighting between each other. This was only proven true two years later, when Hayden fled.


Resignation and Death

It was said in the year 12 U, Hayden Marson fled the System entirely, taking his son, Wayne Marson, with him. He disowned the title “Global-President” and vowed to never return. He then disappeared from all records, never to be seen again.


That was until 19 U, when it was reported that Hayden Marson, aged fifty three, had died. The cause of death was unknown.


His legacy however, had left prosperity. Through Hayden the world was united under System-One, and through Hayden the world came to a new understanding of Truth, Freedom and Prosperity. So despite his madness in later years, Hayden was a pioneer in global unification.


As he deserved it.


What are you looking for?

System-One is a fictional ARG (Alternate Reality Game) created by J.M. C. The System-One ARG has no affiliation with any real-world corporations or businesses bearing a similar name. Any resemblance is purely coincidental and not intended to cause any harm or confusion.

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